QUESTION: As per your recommendation, I switched to LabCorp but noticed they report their viral results from Quest differently…for HHV 6 IgG < 1:10 is normal and for LabCorp < .76 is negative, for CMV IgG < .6 is normal vs < .9…is there a way to translate between these two ways of reporting results, i.e., for an HHV 6 IgG being 1.52 H for LabCorp, is that equivalent to less than 1:320 for Quest?
ANSWER: Bottom line is that I use the labs cutoff (the titres are different as each labs use different kits) in my assessment. So if the lab cutoff cor normal is 1:20, and 1:52 is High then I’ll treat as noted. If at the other lab the cut off was 1:180 or lower normal and 1:320 is High then I treat and follow that.