Originally aired on March 7, 2019 on ctrnetwork.com
In today’s program Dr. Anderson will continue his look at specific nutritional supplements used in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Last program he introduced the idea of food as the base of all medicine and supplements and briefly introduced supplementation for prevention. He will use chapter six from the Hay House bestseller “Outside the Box Cancer Therapies” He and Dr. Stengler wrote as a basis for this discussion. What are the benefits of “the basics” in planning a cancer prevention diet? What are some of the most well researched nutritional supplements to build on the dietary base? What are the most common questions cancer patients have in these areas? What different supplements may be used in the four phases of the cancer process?
Available online at Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Outside-Box-Cancer-Therapies-Alternative/dp/1401954588/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1550191264&sr=8-1&keywords=outside+the+box+cancer+therapies
**Barnes and Noble and any bookstore can order it as well. “Outside the Box Cancer Therapies” Stengler & Anderson, Hay House 2018
Listen to “Supplements for Cancer – Where do they fit in and what are some examples?” on Spreaker.