
Metabolic Toxins Detox Bundle

Original price was: $118.00.Current price is: $69.00.

Get both webinars for the sale price of $69 ($118.00 normally)



#11 Detoxification- Sulfite Toxicity and Sulfation Pathways

1.5 CE Total | 0.5 Pharm

Sulfation and sulfite toxicity. A deep look at the sulfation process, SUOX issues and therapies. Also “look alike” problems and how to differentiate them. Cases and therapies will be discussed.

#59 Detoxification Part 4- Metabolic Toxins

2.0 CE Total | 1.0 Pharm

The implications for human health when dealing with metabolic toxins are many and far reaching. Sulfates, Oxalates, Pyrroles, Salicylates, Aldehydes, Alcohols and related compounds. Each can arise as a health issue from direct exposure, metabolism of other substances, diseases, genomic pathway issues and other sources. In this two hour CE webinar Dr. Anderson will relate his years of experience in genomics and biochemistry as well as clinical management of the effect these toxic substances have on human health.

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