#77 Cases in Neurochemistry


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2.0 CE Total | 1.0 Pharm

Neurochemistry is accessed daily in medicine by commonly used neuropsychiatric drug classes. In natural and integrative medicine, it is often confusing where to start with cases involving neurotransmitters and other factors due to overlap of signs and symptoms, concomitant medication use, and other issues. In this webinar Dr. Anderson will use his experience in thousands of neurochemical case interactions through case-based examples to discuss assessment and diagnosis of neurochemical imbalances, therapeutic trials to correct them and patient management strategies when those therapies do, and do not, work. The focus will be on assessment and natural therapeutics, but common drug classes used in such cases will be discussed as well.

SKU: NAEMCDAMonthlyWebinar#77 Category:


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Neurochemistry is accessed daily in medicine by commonly used neuropsychiatric drug classes. In natural and integrative medicine, it is often confusing where to start with cases involving neurotransmitters and other factors due to overlap of signs and symptoms, concomitant medication use, and other issues. In this webinar Dr. Anderson will use his experience in thousands of neurochemical case interactions through case-based examples to discuss assessment and diagnosis of neurochemical imbalances, therapeutic trials to correct them and patient management strategies when those therapies do, and do not, work. The focus will be on assessment and natural therapeutics, but common drug classes used in such cases will be discussed as well.

CME Outline:

  • Excitatory neurochemicals
    • Catecholamines
      • Dopamine
      • Norepinephrine
      • Epinephrine
    • Serotonin
    • Histamine
    • Glutamate
  • Inhibitory neurochemicals
    • GABA
    • Glycine
    • Nitric Oxide
    • Neurosteroids
  • General case assessment:
    • Excitatory versus inhibitory presentations
    • Effect of primary pharmacological–neuroscientific forces
      • Production
      • Secretion, binding,and use
      • Metabolism
      • Elimination
    • Developing a working diagnosis
    • Therapeutic trials and adjustments
    • Course corrections
  • Cases in:
    • Catecholamines
    • Glutamate class
    • Histamine
    • Serotonin
    • GABA (a) and (b)
    • Glycine
    • Nitric Oxide
    • Neurosteroids

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