#76 Blood-Brain and GI Barrier Connection:


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2.0 CE Total | 1.0 Pharm

The barrier functions of the GI tract and the Brain were long thought to be separate. Modern research has not only shown a connection but an interdependence between these two critical systems. This presentation will look at the recent science showing these connections and discuss the clinical importance of repair of the systems in the chronically ill patient.

SKU: NAEMCDAMonthlyWebinar#76 Category:


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The barrier functions of the GI tract and the Brain were long thought to be separate. Modern research has not only shown a connection but an interdependence between these two critical systems. This presentation will look at the recent science showing these connections and discuss the clinical importance of repair of the systems in the chronically ill patient.

CME Outline:

  • GI Membrane Physiology
  • Blood Brain Barrier Physiology
  • GI-Brain Connection
  • Damage–Pathology
  • Therapeutics
    • GI Barrier
    • BBB
    • Neurotransmitters
    • Inflammatory Mediators
    • Toxins

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