#49 PHARM Part-16 Bipolar Spectrum and Seizure Pharmacological and Natural Therapies


CE 2.0 Total | 2.0 of which are Pharm

It is increasingly common for a patient to present on a medication that may be used for bipolar disorders or epilepsy (or even both). In this 2 hour CME we will review the common medications, where and why they have crossover and how to either manage / taper them or help their actions using natural and integrative medical resources. Pharmacology, safety and integrative interactions will be of primary importance.

SKU: NAEMCDAMonthlyWebinar#49 Category:


CE 2.0 Total | 2.0 of which are Pharm

It is increasingly common for a patient to present on a medication that may be used for bipolar disorders or epilepsy (or even both). In this 2 hour CME we will review the common medications, where and why they have crossover and how to either manage / taper them or help their actions using natural and integrative medical resources. Pharmacology, safety and integrative interactions will be of primary importance.

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