#105 Spike & Other Protein Toxicities and Solutions



1.5 CE Total | 1.0 Pharm

Immune system activation is both good and bad and can reach into every portion of a person’s health. In the modern age of immune stimulation and odd immunological reactions more specific data are available about viral protein reactions than we have previously had access to. In this CME the mechanics of the viral proteins will be discussed, the available testing, and the potential treatments outlined.


⭑ Describe the protein components of the SARS viral family

⭑ Describe the immunological stimulation these proteins can trigger

⭑ Discuss possible disease triggers from this stimulation

⭑ Describe therapies that are either shown useful in research or being currently researched.




1.5 CE Total | 1.0 Pharm

Immune system activation is both good and bad and can reach into every portion of a person’s health. In the modern age of immune stimulation and odd immunological reactions more specific data are available about viral protein reactions than we have previously had access to. In this CME the mechanics of the viral proteins will be discussed, the available testing, and the potential treatments outlined.


⭑ Describe the protein components of the SARS viral family

⭑ Describe the immunological stimulation these proteins can trigger

⭑ Discuss possible disease triggers from this stimulation

⭑ Describe therapies that are either shown useful in research or being currently researched.

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