#05 PHARM Part-3 Dessicated Thyroid Rx Management


Organ Systems, Therapeutics

#05 PHARM Part-3 Dessicated Thyroid Rx Management

CE 1.5 Total | 1.5 of which are Pharm

The use of desiccated thyroid (DT)has a long history, but the medication has been less prescribed than synthetic forms for decades. This webcall will discuss the assessment, prescribing and re-assessment of this useful medication. Dr. Anderson has been using desiccated thyroid in practice for decades. Includes forms and product available, DT vs other thyroid Rx forms when and why to use them, metabolism, concerns and cautions, testing, dosing and follow up.

SKU: NAEMCDAMonthlyWebinar#05 Category:


Organ Systems, Therapeutics

#05 PHARM Part-3 Dessicated Thyroid Rx Management

CE 1.5 Total | 1.5 of which are Pharm

The use of desiccated thyroid (DT)has a long history, but the medication has been less prescribed than synthetic forms for decades. This webcall will discuss the assessment, prescribing and re-assessment of this useful medication. Dr. Anderson has been using desiccated thyroid in practice for decades. Includes forms and product available, DT vs other thyroid Rx forms when and why to use them, metabolism, concerns and cautions, testing, dosing and follow up.

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