Originally aired live on 01/03/2019
In this program Dr. Anderson will discuss his view of cancer care and what considerations “inside” and “outside” the box we should consider when dealing with cancer. He will go through the best-selling book of the same name that Dr. Stengler and he co-authored. Some topics will include: what is cancer and how do you get it? I’ve had successful cancer treatment, what now? What is best for prevention? Is there one “best diet”? What else…
Book available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and www.DrAbooks.com
Chapter 1 Real Hope with Integrative Oncology
Chapter 2 Root Causes of Cancer
Chapter 3 Contrasting Conventional and Integrative Oncology
Chapter 4 Foods that Battle Cancer
Chapter 5 Super Supplements for Fighting Cancer
Chapter 6 Intravenous and Injection Therapies
Chapter 7 Protection and Recovery from Chemotherapy, Radiation, and Surgery
Chapter 8 Protection and Recovery from Chemotherapy, Radiation and Surgery
Chapter 9 Common Cancers and Integrative Approaches
Chapter 10 Other Alternative Therapies for Cancer