Originally aired on 02-15-2018
In this program Dr. Anderson will expand on the practical daily practices people with any disease or disorder can employ to support the mind-body connection. Ideas mentioned in the first two programs will be outlined and examples for implementing the processes will be given.
· “How to rewire the subconscious mind” https://youtu.be/_K0SP0JZPro
· Other ideas:
o Your “Self-talk”
o How you deal with ‘stress’?
o Who is around you?
o What messages do you let in?
· Meditation: This simple practice has been around for thousands of years.
o For those who may believe their spiritual tradition opposes meditation – even the famous Theologian Martin Luther (helped get the Protestant religion off the ground) had this as the base of his practice: Oratio, meditatio, tentatio” (prayer, meditation, trial).
· Deep breathing: This part of meditation also works on its own. Just take a deep breath in from your diaphragm, hold it for a few seconds, and then slowly let it out.
· Progressive muscle relaxation: This technique relaxes your entire body, one muscle group at a time.
· Graded, progressive movement activity.
· Guided imagery and visualization: Use them to harness the power of your imagination. Focus on a pleasant scene to steer your mind away from stressful thoughts related to your cancer or your treatments. You can create your own image, use a CD or video to guide you, or work with a therapist.
· Yoga, Pilates, tai chi etc.:
· Some great YouTube Videos:
o How to grow new brain cells: https://youtu.be/B_tjKYvEziI
o Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? https://youtu.be/LWQfe__fNbs
o Overcoming neural predispositions to suffering: https://youtu.be/KZIGekgoaz4
Is there any good book out there with all of this type of information available?
o Watch for the release of Dr.A’s book “Outside the Box Cancer Therapies” [gdlr_button href=”http://www.drabooks.com” target=”_self” size=”small” background=”#428bca” color=”#ffffff”]More info at Drabooks.com![/gdlr_button]
Listen to the episode here!
Originally aired, and hosted on Contact Talk Radio,
by Dr. Paul Anderson every week!
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