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QUESTION: How can we deal with the use of IVC in hypertensive patients when the HDIVC tends to raise BP?

ANSWER: Do watch pre and post BP and vitals always. Normally with HDIVC you see a transient rise in BP post HDIVC. Often this lasts 30 min to 3 hours and goes away.
If the BP does not decrease over the following hours we apply the following.

In hypertensive patients we find three pathways that are in play:
1. Use of our human research based formulas with the electrolyte balanced mineral additives lowers cardiac reactivity and BP. If they are dehydrated we also give 250 – 500 mL 0.45NS before the IV which helps (see link below)

2. Use of the above formulas – BUT – we have to put the formula in twice the sterile water to drop the osmolality and slow the infusion rate.

3. A small group (10% or so) just cannot handle the osmolarity and sodium load so we do lower IVC doses.

*In many cases if the patient is on a diuretic or anti-hypertensive and the above are not enough to help we alter the medication dose.


Dr. Paul Anderson

Paul S. Anderson is a naturopathic physician, Medical Director & Founder of Anderson Medical Specialty Associates (AMSA). He is a recognized authority in the field of integrative cancer research and the treatment of chronic diseases, genomic conditions, and auto-immune and infectious disorders.