Originally aired on 05-31-2018
- Just what is hyperbaric medicine?
- Why haven’t I heard of it from other doctors?
- How can oxygen and pressure make a difference in health?
- I hear they use it for bad diabetic ulcers, why?
- Could it help after surgery or dental procedures?
- How about in concussions – I hear a lot of NFL players do it?
- Could it help in cancer?
- Do you talk about it in the book?
- What do you use it for and do you do other treatments to help it work better?
The mushroom extract we use is ImmPower. For a 25% discount on your first order call The Harmony Company at 800-422-5518 and mention “Dr Anderson” or visit theharmonycompany.com.
Interested in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy? Make an appointment with Amy, our HBOT Technician at Advanced Medical Therapies.
Listen to the episode here!
Originally aired, and hosted on Contact Talk Radio,
by Dr. Paul Anderson every week!
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