With any maculopathy / retinopathy / glaucoma etc. you have to do HBOT carefully. In higher O2 environments without sufficient ReDox and “falvin” support the neuronal layer of the eye can be over taxed.
That said most reviews for ophthalmological disorders show positive outcome or promise. See – PMID: 18348877 and PMID: 19024664
So what I do is make sure the patient knows that while the weight of evidence is overwhelmingly positive if one raises pressure or O2 too quickly the more delicate portions of the eye can have some temporary (and normally transient) decrease in function. (I then explain that is why they need to (a) pre-treat and (b) why we don’t raise pressure and O2 rapidly.) I pre-treat them orally with eye specific flavinoids (Leutein, Xeaxanthine etc.), Retinoid form vitamin A (25,000 IU daily prior to and during HBOT) and at least oral redox (ASC-GSH-Tocopherols) and if possible an IV prior to or right after HBOT. Doing so we have never had an adverse eye event. We also tend to do 1.3-1.5 ATA with either O2 vial nasal cannula or if by mask do 10 min on and 15 min off air breaks.
-Dr. Anderson
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Eye Disorders and Integrative Ophthalmology Resources:
In the three NDNR linked papers below Dr. Anderson outlines integrative approaches to eye disorders including macular degeneration, retinopathies, corneal and retinal disorders and other eye issues. Each link is to a separate paper he authored: