Originally aired on 01-11-2018
What can I do when they tell me I have “No evidence of disease” and to live my life? Is there anything more? Any preventive strategies? How do I keep from having cancer ‘come back’?
In this program Dr. Anderson will specifically discuss what is known as “secondary prevention” or “how can I keep the cancer from returning”? In Part one he will talk about what the cancer stem cells are and their influence as well as how the other cancer therapies affect those cancer stem cells. If cancer stem cells are left behind they often trigger reoccurrence of cancer later in life. Specific topics in this program:
- How does cancer come back?
o It may not have been totally eradicated
o It may have left a ‘stem cell’ behind
o The treatment may have triggered a new cancer
o Another problem that isn’t cancer may have triggered a new cancer
- Infections
- Diet
- Hormones
- Immune system
- Circadian cycle
- Muscle metabolism
- Other inflammation
- What does “no evidence of disease” mean then?
- Can I know if I’m in the clear?
o No test is perfect
o What is imaging versus tumor markers in blood
o What are “liquid biopsies”
- What is a cancer stem cell (CSC)?
- What triggers a CSC?
- How can I structure preventive lifestyle strategies around this information?
o Target anything that triggers inflammation, CSC’s etc.
o What can you generally do with diet, sleep, hydration
o Watch for the release of Dr.A’s book “Outside the Box Cancer Therapies” [gdlr_button href=”http://www.drabooks.com” target=”_self” size=”small” background=”#428bca” color=”#ffffff”]More info at Drabooks.com![/gdlr_button]
Listen to the episode here!
Originally aired, and hosted on Contact Talk Radio,
by Dr. Paul Anderson every week!
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