How to start and how to adjust as the case progresses
Assessing the Complicated Patient
CE 2.0 Total | 1.0 of which are Pharm
Ever wonder what goes on in Dr. A’s head?… Maybe not – but one of the most common questions he gets is “How can I figure out how bad off the patient is and where to start – then when the case changes how do I do it all over again? What if I get it wrong? How does this dictate treatment, Intensity, Timing etc.?” While webinar 24 “Assessment of Chronic Cases” looked at this in a case based manner this new webinar will be a follow up to that material and proceed in a very linear outline format – with “color commentary” by Dr. A.
Initial Top-down (or 360 degree) Factors:
- Duration and Type of Illness
- Past Rx Success or Failure
- Areas Assessed or Not Assessed
- Proximal History – Cause Areas
- Gravity of Case Sn/Sx per Organ System Presentation
Initial Assessment:
- Are New / Repeat Labs or other Assessments needed
- Treat any Untreated or Poorly Treated Areas in the Case Gravity
- Initiate Presumptive Rx or Rx Trial(s)
Follow up and Progress / Adjustments over Time:
- Aggravation or Amelioration (is it what it seems?)
- Re-assess the main areas
- Adjust as indicated