QUESTION: Do I need a log book for B12? I currently log in the patient’s chart date give, where (on body) injected, what was injected, Rx # (for single use B12) and when next due.
ANSWER – the low risk items like B12 shots only need logging in the chart.
QUESTION: Where should I dispose of empty single use B12 bottles? They have patient’s name on them.
ANSWER – We black names out with a Sharpie and either trash or recycle. You can also peel the label.
QUESTION: Is there anyone who could inspect my office and give me suggestions of what I need to improve (without writing me up!)?
ANSWER – Not at this time. Most people in the industry are busy designing and inspecting pharmacies.
QUESTION: Do I need a procedure manual for my office for B12 handling? (I’m the only one giving shots)
ANSWER – Technically yes but a one page description of the procedure is sufficient.