Child is 11 months old. Family is interested in Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).
She has a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy due to a Hypoxic -Ischemic Encephalopathy. On a feeding tube but takes some solids po. Emergency C-section at 37 weeks dt fetal heart decelerating. Received Neonatal Therapeutic Hypothermia. On phenobarbital. No seizures but abnormal spikes on EEG.Child is pleasant, alert and affectionate with parents. Above average weight.
I have worked with several families who have used HBOT as another part of the healing plan for their child.
They are part of a FB group with families who post and rave about it.
My question is about using HBOT in a child less than 1 year old. Any recent articles or resources? Safe?
They are also interested in CBD oil? Any articles or resources? Safe? Well-indicated given her age and that she takes Phenobarbital.
Dr. Anderson:
HBOT is OK in any age child. There are papers on PED use you can locate with a bit of search (I don’t have them at hand).
CBD is fine as well. Again papers on cannibinoids exist but I’m leaving and can’t search.
With proper management (I’d use a HBOT supplier who does kids) both are beneficial.
Interested in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy? Make an appointment with Amy, our HBOT Technician at Advanced Medical Therapies.
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