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QUESTION: How do I test for biofilm disruption? Does it matter the bug that could have initially caused the disruption?

ANSWER: Somewhere between “maybe you can” and “Impossible”. More of a clinical thing. That said Fry Labs in AZ has some testing we have used that is pretty promising but expensive. The ‘bug’ matters once released but the biofilms are pretty similar in construction. Once I see Sx I generally have antibiotic agents rotating through that will cover fungi / bacteria / parasite and viri.

For more information, listen to my Webcall on Biofilms


Dr. Paul Anderson

Paul S. Anderson is a naturopathic physician, Medical Director & Founder of Anderson Medical Specialty Associates (AMSA). He is a recognized authority in the field of integrative cancer research and the treatment of chronic diseases, genomic conditions, and auto-immune and infectious disorders.