Originally aired on March 28, 2019 on ctrnetwork.com
In today’s program Dr. Anderson will be interviewed by Cameron Steele, co-owner of CTR Radio. Some topics in the interview include:
- If there is an “Outside the Box” with cancer thinking, what is “Inside the Box”?
- Why did you and Dr. Stengler write this book?
- How much of your own practice experience is in the book?
- How about your research experience?
- What do you say to people who tell you “there is no science behind these ideas?”
- What are some of your most memorable patient stories?
- How can people get the book?
Available online at Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Outside-Box-Cancer-Therapies-Alternative/dp/1401954588/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1550191264&sr=8-1&keywords=outside+the+box+cancer+therapies
**Barnes and Noble and any bookstore can order it as well. “Outside the Box Cancer Therapies” Stengler & Anderson, Hay House 2018
Listen to “An interview about “Outside the Box Cancer Thinking”” on Spreaker.